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agrarian structure中文

用"agrarian structure"造句"agrarian structure" in a sentence"agrarian structure"怎麼讀


  • 農業結構
  • 土地所有制


  • Briefly, the traditional asian agrarian structure before european colonization was organized around the village community .
  • In the view of economic academic community , the approach of advance the rural economy is guiding country surplus labor to transformation . secondly , yielding higher value added crops through adjusting the agrarian structure ( lin yifu , 2003 )
    經濟學界的普遍觀點認為發展農村經濟的根本途徑一是農村剩余勞動力向非農業轉移,二是通過農業結構的調整,生產高附加值農作物(林毅夫, 2003
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